Dr. Suzette van

Teilprojekt B02
Raum GB 8|142
Telefon 0234 32-20653
Mail suzette.vanhaaren@rub.de
Website https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzette-van-haaren/
Adresse Universitätsstr. 150 | 44801 Bochum | Deutschland
- 8 April - 3 May 2024: Research Fellow at Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Project: Modelling the Middle Ages: VisColl as digital tool for manuscript research
- seit 02|2023: Postdoc SFB 1567 Virtuelle Lebenswelten, Teilprojekt B02.1 „Virtuelles Mittelalter: Virtuelle Objekte in der mediävistischen Forschung“
- 2022 – 2023: Mitglied St Leonard’s College, Universität von St Andrews
- 2017 – 2022: PhD „The digital medieval manuscript: approaches to digital codicology“, Universität von St Andrews und Universität Groningen
- 2019 – 2020: Digitaliserungsassistentin Universitätsbibliothek von Cambridge, Digital Content Unit
- 2017 – 2019: Forschungsassistentin Projekt „Maria van Gelre“, Radboud Universität
- 2013 – 2015: MA Altertums-, Mittelalter- und Renaissancestudien, Universität Utrecht
- 2014: Erasmus Programm, Mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität von St Andrews
- 2009 – 2013: BA Kunstgeschichte, Universität Utrecht
- Mediävistik/Mittelalterliche Handschriften
- Medienwissenschaften
- Digital heritage
- Materialität und Objekt-theorie
- Rezeption und Soziologie des Historisches Erbes
- The digital medieval manuscript: approaches to digital codicology. Studies in Arts and Materiality (Brill: forthcoming 2025).
- ‘Het virtuele handschrift: materialiteit en middeleeuwse boeken in VR’, Madoc 38.2 (forthcoming 2025).
- ‘Een constellatie van kopieën en innovaties: VLQ 79, Aachen, 9de eeuw, tussen 814-840’, in: Manuscripts from Medieval Europe, ed. Irene O’Daly and André Bouwman (Lannoo: forthcoming April 2025).
- ‘Digital codicology as a method: (re)considerations and reflections’, in: Approaches to Digital Codicology: interdisciplinarity and intersections, ed. Alberto Campagnolo and Elena Pierazzo (Brepols, forthcoming).
- 'Virtual Middle Ages: observations on historiography by means of the digitisation of a medieval library', in: Digitizing the Middle Ages: the impacts of digitized corpora on medieval historiography, reds. Gabriel Castanho, Eliana Magnani und Nicolas Perreaux (Éditions de la Sorbonne: forthcoming)
- together with Ina Bolinski, Lena Ciochon, Jens Fehrenbacher, Helene Seewald, Sylvia Kokot, Philipp Künzel, Nicola Przybylka, Roman Smirnov, Manuel van der Veen and Ronja Weidemann, 'Herausforderungen immersiver Forschung: Ein 360°-Rundumschlag aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektive', in: Virtuelle Universität, eds. Patrizia Beil and Florian Sprenger (Transcript: forthcoming 2025).
- ‘Medieval Tiktok’, in: Vokabular Des Virtuellen: Ein Situiertes Lexikon, ed. Early Career Forum des SFB 1567 (Transcript 2024).
- ‘The St Andrew manuscript ‘cutting’ and reflectance transformation imaging (RTI)’. University of St Andrews Special Collections Blog 2022. https://special-collections.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/2022/06/17/the-st-andrew-manuscript-cutting-and-reflectance-transformation-imaging-rti/.
- ‘A little manuscript in disarray: Add. 4085’. Cambridge University Library Special Collections, 5 Oktober 2020. https://specialcollections-blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/?p=20715.
- ‘Physical Distancing from Manuscripts and the Presence of the Digital Facsimile’. Cambridge Medieval Graduate Students, 25 Mai 2020. https://camedievalists.wordpress.com/2020/05/25/physical-distancing-from-manuscripts-and-the-presence-of-the-digital-facsimile/.
- '"Woman Yells At Lamb of God": de meme-ificatie van middeleeuwse afbeeldingen op sociale media', Groniek225 (November 2020).
- 'Door een nieuwe lens. De reproductiegeschiedenis van een Der naturen bloeme-handschrift’, Madoc 34 (Julei 2020).
- ‘Het Boek Leeft Voort. De Digitale Reproductie van Het Gebedenboek van Maria van Gelre’, Article, no. 20 (Mai 2018).
- Mit Milou Wery, ‘Van Perkament Tot Pixel. Het Leven van Een Utrechts Fragment in Vogelvlucht’, in: Perkament in Stukken: Teruggevonden Middeleeuwse Handschriftfragmenten, ed. Marco Mostert, Bart Jaski, und Kaj van Vliet (Hilversum: Verloren, 2018).
- ‘De gevolgen van de openbaarstelling van de Zwolse Bijbel: Vernieling of historische verrijking?’ Article, no. 13 (November 2014).
- SIMS Online Lecture Series, Philadelphia, 25 October 2024. Paper: ‘Modelling the Middle Ages: VisColl as digital tool for manuscript research’.
- International Congress for Medieval Studies, University of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, 9-11 May 2024. Paper: ‘Modelling the Middle Ages: VisColl as digital tool for manuscript research’
- International Congress for Medieval Studies, University of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, 9-11 May 2024. Roundtable: ‘Digitized Manuscripts as Sources for Research’.
- Congres Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging, ‘Technologie en Transformatie’, 23 september 2023. Paper: ‘Het digitale middeleeuwse handschrift’.
- Le Studium Conferences, Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, ‘Novel approaches to Digital Codicology’, 10-12 May 2023. Paper: ‘Reflecting on digital codicology as method’.
- ‘Handling the digital medieval manuscript’, Centre for Digital Humanities Vortragen Digital Hands ON,Universität Groningen, 12 May 2022.
- ‘Looking at the digital medieval manuscript: a codicological approach’, Internationale Werkstatt On the way to the future of digital manuscript studies, Radboud Universität, 27-29 October 2021.
- ‘The Bury Bible in a different light’. Expertentagung The Digital Medieval Manuscript, University of St Andrews, 8 October 2021.
- ‘Encoded parchment: reflections on digital codicology’, Digital Humanities Benelux, Universität Leiden, 2-4 June 2021.
- ‘Holding the digital medieval manuscript: experience and embodiment’, Expertentagung Forms of Knowledge, Universität Groningen, 14 May 2021.
- 'The networked manuscript: deep fragmentation and digital appropriation of the Academy manuscript (KB, KA 16)’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1-4 July 2019.
- ‘Het lange leven van het gebedenboek van Maria van Gelre’. Vortragsnachmittag Strengels & Letters, Museum Kasteel Wijchen, 17 Feb. 2019.
- 'Maerlants Rijmbijbel online: Bladeren door gedigitaliseerd perkament’, Schatten uit de Universiteitsbibliotheek: lezingen over Bijzondere Collecties, Universität Groningen, 31 Jan. 2019.
- 'The long life of the prayer book of Mary of Guelders: from private devotional manuscript to public digital object’, Internationale Tagung I, Mary of Guelders, Valkhof Museum Nijmegen, 23 - 24 Nov 2018.
- 'Preserving parchment in binary: what happens when the manuscript meets the digital', 2. Graduiertentagung Buchgeschichte Current Research in Manuscripts and Printed Books (650-1600), Utrecht Centre for Medieval Studies, 2 Feb. 2018.
- ‘Encoded Parchment and Digital Sustainability. How digital materiality affects the representation, reproduction and preservation of medieval manuscripts’, Internationale Tagung Parchment, Paper and Pixels, Medieval Writing and Modern Technology, Universität von Maastricht, 2-3 Feb. 2017.
- ‘Text/Image: the blurred lines between pictures and the written word in medieval manuscripts’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 6-9 July 2015.
- ‘Text, Image, and Sound in the Beatus-Initial of the Leiden Psalter’, Kolloquium Degree Zero of Sound and Image: Creation before the Act, ca. 1000-1700, Frankfurt, 21-23 May 2015.
- ‘Text/Image: the blurred lines between pictures and the written word in medieval manuscripts’., Winterschule Communication and the Exploitation of Knowledge, Forschungsschule für Mediävistik, Leiden, 20-22 Feb. 2015.
- ‘Books are Temporary, Digitalisations are Forever’, Graduiertentagung Geisteswissenschaften The times they are a’changing, Universität Utrecht, 9 Jan. 2015.
- ‘Perceptions of Medieval Manuscripts: The Phenomenal Book by Elaine Treharne’, The Burlington MagazineVol. 164 | No. 1433, August 2022.
- International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1-4 July 2024. Roundtable: ‘Tools and Methods in Digital Medieval Studies: Past and Present’.
- International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1-4 July 2024. Roundtable: ‘Early Career Researcher in Digital Medieval Studies’.
- Digital Resources for Medieval Studies in German-speaking Countries, zusammen mit Juliet Diekkämper (Stand: 30.10.2024), http://vfu.virtuelle-lebenswelten.de:8080/index.php/Public:List_of_Digital_Resources_for_Medieval_Studies_in_German-speaking_Countries
- Organisatorin des Workshops „Middle Ages. digital and virtual – objects, practices, reflections“ (24 October 2023, Ruhr University Bochum), zusammen mit Lena Ciochon.
- Gastvortag werkstatt Duurzaam Digitaal Erfgoed, 13 May 2022, Radboud Universität.
- Digitalisierung ’Psalter (fragments) (MS Add. 4085)’, Cambridge University Digital Library, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-ADD-04085/1.
- Berater beim ‘MedievalMe’ Projekt, laufend, Niederländische Staatsbibliothek, Den Haag.
- Organisatorin der Expertentagung The digital medieval manuscript, 8 October 2021, Universität von St Andrews.
- Gastvortrag MPhil Medieval Manuscripts Course, Lent Term 2021, Universität von Cambridge.
- Interviewerin für das We, Mary of Guelders Projekt, Dec. 2018, Valkhof Museum Nijmegen.
- Gastvortrag Sommerschule Things That Matter 4: Material and Culture in/for the Digital Age, 18-22 June 2018, Universität Groningen.
- Studentische Hilfskraft, Annotated Books Online Projekt, 2013-2014, Universität Utrecht.